Jill's post below recaps a bit about the weekend, but I wanted to elaborate, if I may. BTW, Jill is going to lend her economic expertise, as well as many of her other expertii (plural of expertise?) to the Geela clan, we're so happy to have her. She takes groovy photos as well--blogging bonus!!
Moms out there know that nighttime is normal time. Oftentimes, I come cruisin' out of the kids' room yelling (in a whisper) "Off duty!!!" Given the fact that normal time starts at 7-8ish at night--early to bed for my little dudes saves my sanity--I feel the pressure to make a calculated decision about what I will do during my off-time. This weekend it was Geela, all night long. Frankly, its Julia that is queen of sewing. I got free sewing lessons as we finished some diaper clutches for etsy. The ups and downs of stamina produce giddy moments, not-so-giddy moments, and sheer slap-happiness. Sewing clutches is not so fun. However, their redemption resides in the incomparable gratification when you see the finished product. The fabric framed by the bias tape makes us a little excited.

So we pulled some all-nighters and even cut by candle light one night when we had a power outtage.
The funny part is, I'm just as happy to go "On duty" when the little dudes are screaming at us from the other room at 7 am. Finn yelling "Momdad!" (his made-up collective word for his parents) is the best alarm clock I can imagine.
The other groovy part about this Geelachella weekend was our trip to Los Angeles--kid free. We had three hours. We stopped at our favorite store, bought black bagloads of knits as usual, and then realized it was time to leave and we still hadn't found what we came for--wrap fabric! After I verbalize this, Julia responds, "I don't know where we're going to find it, I've looked everywhere." Ridiculously consequently she says, "Wait!", goes walking into the store in front of us that just happened to be open on Memorial day and walks directly over to multiple bolts of our fabric, in all colors!! Until then, we had only been able to find it a color here and a color there. To find it all in one place was a splendid thing (How Willy Wonka am I? Splendid?). This was a Geela miracle! O yes, on the way out of town, Julia spotted the ice cream dude. I hopped out, bought the coconut paradise whose name the man had mentioned (Spanish word,. . . bah-something) and jumped back in the car. These are heaven by the way, we consider them our closing ceremony to LA trips. They come in big tubes of plastic (like jumbo Otter pops). He offered to clean them off for me with a crazy looking rag. I was thinking, "Please don't."

This pic kind of expresses the chaos that ensues with Geela production. Of course the female in me really wants to post a pic of what the house normally looks like. What is it that makes us so ashamed of a messy house?